

Unable to login to config repository site for user “admin”, status code: 401 – CasCmdException

Error – Creating crawl MyAppen-last-mile-crawl Error creating crawl MyAppen-last-mile-crawl: Unable to login to config repository site for user “admin”, status code: 401, Response: exiting with error. com.endeca.itl.cas.cmd.CasCmdException: Failed to create 1 or more crawls Failure to create crawl. Fix –Continue Reading

com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStoreException: generation-0000000162 (No such file or directory)

While running baseline update in Endeca, getting following error – [09.24.20 13:02:06] SEVERE: Crawl ‘MyAppen-last-mile-crawl’ failed with error: Problem running full acquisition on data source for MyAppen-last-mile-crawl: Error reading from Record Store MyAppen-data: /data/apps/endeca/CAS/workspace/state/MyAppen-data/data/storage/generations/generation-0000000162 (No such file or directory). There is anotherContinue Reading

com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStoreException: Operation not allowed since there are active transactions.

This can exception can happen while trying to make changes to already active transactions like running this  recordStore.setConfiguration(config) for an active transaction. This has becoming a daemon transaction and needs to be rolled back. The trail of exception is –Continue Reading

com.endeca.content.core.DocumentHandlerException: ecr:type was not specified at path: /sites/MyAppen/redirects

Caught exception while running initialize services SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method ‘importApplication’ on object ‘IFCR’. Releasing locks. Failed with error Bad Request (400):  “com.endeca.content.core.DocumentHandlerException: ecr:type was not specified at path: /sites/MyAppen/redirects” This would mean that ecr:type is notContinue Reading

Credentials store configuration file not found – Endeca

[mb403332@cmh1vlatgitl001u _ifcr]$<Endeca-installation>/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.3.0/credential_store/bin/manage_credentials.sh add –user admin –key ifcr   09 Mar 2020 13:35:42,875 ERROR ManageCredentialsTool:383 – Credentials store configuration file not found at ../../server/workspace/credential_store/jps-config.xml. You can only run manage_Credentials script from the bin directory so run this – cd <Endeca-installation>/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.3.0/credential_store/bin/ manage_credentials.shContinue Reading

How to Create or delete Endeca CAS recordstores ?

Create an Endeca CAS Recordstore – <CAS>/11.3.0/bin/component-manager-cmd.sh create-component -h <CAS-Host> -p <CAS-Port> -t RecordStore -n <record-store-name> Example <CAS>/11.3.0/bin/component-manager-cmd.sh create-component -h localhost -p 8500 -t RecordStore -n MyAppen-data Delete Endeca CAS RecordStore –  <CAS>/11.3.0/bin/component-manager-cmd.sh delete-component -h <CAS-Host> -p <CAS-Port> -n <record-store-name> Example <CAS>/11.3.0/bin/component-manager-cmd.shContinue Reading

Error during promote_content – Unauthorized access to workbench. Please check your credentials.

> promote_content.sh [02.07.20 10:42:49] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning. [02.07.20 10:42:50] INFO: Definition has not changed. [02.07.20 10:42:50] INFO: Exporting MDEX tool contents to file MyAppen.mdex.2020-02-07_10-42-50.zip [02.07.20 10:42:51] SEVERE: Failed to create zip file or theContinue Reading